Monday, 27 December 2010

Hel Looks

I've stumbled upon Hel Looks, "a street style blog from Helsinki" that "documents individual, unique looks and styles."

I admire that there is no dominant genre, anything goes, and each person has the opportunity to give an opinion - their 5 minutes of fame you could say.

I love the feel of the website, how the latest entry is the homepage. I also like how the website is simply black and white, therefore focusing your attention on the featured people. No gender or age group is favoured, anyone can be chosen.

It would be fantastic if the website could expand, go global [probably impossible...], so that you could explore and compare the different cultures and fashion trends of each nationality.

I think the reason I like this site so much is because I feel that it gives the public a chance to be the centre of attention. Unlike gossip blogs and established magazine websites, Hel Looks celebrates the unknown individuals fashion and looks to the public for inspiration.

Monday, 6 December 2010

Disney affection

Disney have revealed a new video to promote the release of their 50th motion picture, Tangled. Watching the video, you realise just how many films they have created. Everyone has their favourites, mine are The Little Mermaid, Mulan, Tarzan and Beauty and the Beast, and I adore how each person's varies.

The 50th promotion video made me realise that Disney is one of those brands that the audience have an emotional attachment to. They instantly take you back to your childhood. When you see one of their films, you connect it to a memory or an emotion. Evidence of an amazing brand.

Saturday, 4 December 2010

The Book Cover Archive

Literally a library of book covers, I stumbled upon The Book Cover Archive a while ago, and it's one of my favourite finds. Personally, I've always overlooked book covers, but this website highlights the creativity and potential they have for design.

I love looking through the pages and being able to see all the covers together and compare them. It's interesting to see how different designers have approached the media.

Definitely one to add to your favourites...